What is coaching?
Coaching is working in relationship with another person to get clarity on what it is you want in your life, and what it is you’re not doing in order to get it. Any issue can be brought to coaching, whether it’s going to the gym, or writing your next novel.
Why coaching?
It’s quite normal that sometimes we lose sight of what is most important to us in our fast-paced society. Coaching will help make space in your life for you and your values; this will help you have the clarity to know who you are.
Coaching reminds us how special we are and gets us to take responsibility for the qualities we possess.
Who is it for?
Everybody who wants it.
How does coaching work?
The Well Guide offers a free consultation to see what you need, and to find you a coach with whom you will resonate. Once you’ve chosen a coach, the relationship starts with a ‘design session’ where you work on your intentions. You will then work with your coach two or three times a month, either over the phone, or face to face.
When you spend time, space and money on yourself, you are already winning.